In the Netherlands, Struyk Verwo Infra is a market leader in public paving. Recently, the company moved to De Meern, resulting in employees of three branches ending up under one roof.
Every move has its pros and cons. Let’s start with the big pro: a fresh start at a new location. For some of the Struyk Verwo Infra employees, this implied that they had to travel a little further to the office than they had been used to, previously. So it should become an especially nice place, making the detour worthwhile.
Struyk company staff themselves were also granted significant participation in the setup. And they took this on very enthusiastically.
In addition, a strict deadline was set. We opted for a pragmatical approach. Since many of the employees were involved from the start, no one would be surprised in the final phases. This was favourable in terms of reaching the deadline.
The corporate identity colours of Struyk Verwo Infra were used in the design, albeit in a somewhat softer tone. We also reserved some space for the product that the company uses on a daily basis: paving stones. These were given a prominent position in a large blue cabinet that could be regarded as the backbone of the design. In the office in De Meern, you will come across materials that one can also find in the streets, with a lot of attention to green. In addition to the corporate identity, the highline in New York (a city park located on the former railway track) would serve as an inspiration for the colour palette and the perception.
The management offices underwent special treatment: they would be positioned in the meeting rooms. We created a place where everyone would feel free to work, during the brief absence of the management. Another core business proved to be suitable as a reference for the interior of the bar. As it is, the company in De Meern also manufactures outdoor furniture. A nice starting point to be used in this spot, where employees from different directions were given their new work environment.
Photographer: Chiela van Meerwijk