
Why good office lighting matters

In your working environment at the office and in your own workplace, it is important to have good lighting. Unfortunately, lighting is often forgotten in some offices, but a good lighting plan for both basic and mood lighting is very important. To do your work well, you need good lighting. And for a good lighting plan in the office, several elements are important. In this blog, Lichtadvies010 provides tips on light in the workplace.

Why is a well-lit work environment important?

Good lighting is very important in an office because, in a well-lit working environment, you can perform your work to the best of your ability. Reading, computer work, writing – these all depend on whether there is enough light to do these tasks properly. Sufficient daylight also plays a major role. The amount of daylight in the office determines the amount of ‘artificial light’ that needs to be added.

Important for your health

Light affects ourselves and also our health. It ensures a well-regulated biorhythm which in turn ensures the proper functioning of your body. Sufficient light ensures that we can perform well during the day and feel good.

Office lighting must comply with certain standards set by the Working Conditions Act and these standards are laid down in the NEN. So there must be sufficient light in your working environment and a certain number of lux must be used. On your work surface this standard is 300-500 lux, but for the canteen, for instance, it is only 200 lux. Lux stands for the amount of light measured at a certain spot.

The completeness of the spectrum of a light source is indicated by the CRI value. A CRI value of 80 is often seen in room lighting. There is also a desired colour temperature and this is 3000k for offices. This characteristic is also part of the standards.

Creating atmosphere with lighting in your office

You might think that there is little mood lighting few offices mood lighting. Adding mood lighting in your office interior can have many positive effects and is, among other things, also conducive to the working atmosphere. Mood lighting creates a nice and cosy atmosphere in your office and you can adapt your mood lighting fixtures to the style/atmosphere of your office in such a way that the fixtures and lighting radiate a businesslike cosy atmosphere.

The trick is to literally create atmosphere with mood lighting. You can do this by working with different colour temperatures but also the type of lighting in certain places and also the luminaire determines the atmosphere.

Project: Metis It. Photographer: Chiela van Meerwijk

Different types, colours and quantities

You can divide lighting into basic and mood lighting. You can also divide the different types of lighting in basic and mood lighting into different types and different fixtures. To name a few examples of different types of lighting, you have direct and indirect light, opal/diffuse light, accent lighting and functional lighting. In an office, the most common types are indirect, direct and functional. Then you also have lots of different types of luminaires. These can include spotlights, which can be recessed or surface-mounted. Through track lighting, for instance, you can install surface-mounted spotlights. Pendant luminaires, ceiling mounted luminaires, wall-mounted luminaires or floor and table lamps can also be used.

Some tips to improve lighting in your office

  1. Ensure adequate and even distribution of both the amount and colour of light.
  2. Adhere to the standards set by the Working Conditions Act and the NEN standards that go with it.
  3. If you want to add mood lighting, choose business luminaires to match the office interior.
  4. Diffuse light as a desk luminaire provides much nicer light for team discussions and online meetings, for example.
  5. Daylight is also lighting, in a natural way. Make sure there is enough daylight in the office in addition to good lighting.

Hopefully the blog has inspired you to get started with your lighting. Not quite getting there or want tailor-made advice? Then feel free to get in touch.

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